Parenting Toys

Jameson is Biting and Those Little Teeth Hurt

Jameson is Biting and Those Little Teeth Hurt

*This post does contain affiliate links.

All little kids, it’s a phase that they all seem to go through. But is there a reason that they bite, and how often they are doing it? Jameson started biting a few months ago when he was starting to get in his first tooth. We of course tried to direct that biting to a teething toy, but he never really took to them, and we tried like five different ones. He would teeth on two of them, but only for a few minutes then he would toss it to the side and forget about it. 

Babies and toddlers biting toys or people can be them exploring, it could be that like Jameson early on are teething, or it could be that they are frustrated with something and biting is their way of communicating that. While it is not the best way to be told, hey I don’t like that, you have to remember that they still can’t talk and they need to get your attention somehow. 

According to biting is a lot more common in boys than it is in girls. And it should also start to go away once their language skills start to improve. Also on their site, they have a few recommendations on how to help stop the biting behavior. The ones we have personally tried are redirecting the behavior to a teething toy or something else, which did not really work for us. As well and being firm and telling him that it hurts and that it is not ok for him to bite. This recommendation has worked, but it does take a lot of repeating yourself and patience. 

There are two teething toys that I personally recommend, and these are the ones that Jameson used the longest before tossing them to the side. They are the Poppies Smiley Star, which has different patterns and textures on each of the points to help massage the child’s gums, if interested you can find one here The other that I would recommend is from a brand that I have talked about several times, Sassy. While it is not marketed as a teething toy, Jameson really liked the textures on his front gums. If interested in the Sassy product you can find that one here

If your child hasn’t started the bitting phase, enjoy it while you can. If they have already gone through it, please feel free to share what you did to help stop the behavior.


