Christmas Thoughts, Traditions, and Prayers

It’s finally Christmas and that normally means it would be time for families and friends. But this year is a little different, lock downs, store closures, and limits on gathers all thanks to the Coronavirus things are a little different. For my family this will be our second Christmas in the U.S. and for my wife the second one away from her family. But this year is also a blessing, this will be my son’s first Christmas and it will be a time for new traditions and memories. My wife is German so for her Christmas was yesterday on the 24th and for me that’s Christmas Eve and I would normally celebrate the following day. But now we will have two Christmases, so we can teach Jameson the German traditions as well as the American traditions.

If you are lucky enough to get to spend time with the ones you love, embrace it and most of all enjoy it. There are thousands of families that aren’t so lucky this year. This virus has displaced families from their homes because they can’t afford the rent or mortgages anymore. There are families that can’t afford to eat or presents for their kids. There are also those that are having to spend this holiday in the hospital praying that their loved ones will survive this virus or other conditions that they may be fighting.

So while you are holding your loved ones at night, sleeping in your warm bed, and enjoying your holiday meals. Keep those that can’t or won’t be able to in your thoughts and prayers. And if life has been fortunate enough to give you more than you need, please consider helping those that are less fortunate.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Years, and God Bless!

-The Overthinking Dad