Home Improvement

Finishing the Garage is Turning into the Never-Ending Story

So, the garage project that I started like two weeks ago is still going on. I started this project thinking it would be an easy week to week and a half project. Today it’s going on to week three of sanding and mudding. I had everything taped and mudded, I did the three layers of mud like you are supposed to do. But when I sanded it the first time, new holes started showing up, and mud that was over the old nails just started falling off the wall like no one’s business. I also just keep sanding down some areas too much and reexposing the tape. So then I vacuum up all of the dust and clean up, and reapply more mud over the exposed tape.

After all of the sanding and mudding, my back couldn’t take it anymore. So I took a day off, then another day, and another, it ended up being an entire week of not touching the garage at all. Some of that was my back hurting, but a few days of it was Bea’s influence of saying you don’t have to do it today. That weekend, it was so cold here in Nevada that I just didn’t want to be in the garage. We even got snow overnight that Sunday and Monday morning. With it being so cold, and the fact that I ran out of sandpaper I put off the garage a few more days. After work on that Monday, I made another Lowes run to get more sandpaper and a better vacuum attachment for the shop-vac so I could pick up more of the dust. But my back was still not right, so it was another week of not doing anything to progress the garage along.

It’s now been two weeks and nothing has been touched inside of the garage. I was hoping for the weather to be nicer so I could sand and spray out the first coat of primer this weekend. The weather did end up being a lot nicer and it was finally above 50 degrees so I could paint, but when I finally got into the garage on Saturday and started sanding, I was again sanded too much off and exposed the tape. So this meant that there would be no primer going on this weekend, and it would be another week of the garage sitting without much happening. After I got everything sanded down again, I had to go back over a few spots with more mud, and this time I will do it correctly and add the three layers to help cover the tape this time around. The last time I tried to get away with just one thin layer to cover the tape after sanding, but it didn’t work as I was hoping. So, that means in threeish days, and with hand sanding instead of with the power sander, primer can finally go onto the walls.

Sunday, if my back will let me after the little bit of yard work I did with Bea, I will apply the second coat of mud. Then Monday the third and final coat will go onto those few little spots. And if the weather holds up and it stays warm when I get home from work, I can finally after three plus weeks primer can finally be sprayed onto the walls. So, if everything lines up, the upcoming weekend will mean that the actually color we have already bought can finally go onto the walls, then all that will be left is the ceiling, and some trim that needs to be replaced that got water damage from the heater breaking over the new year.

While the garage project is like the never ending story, and the outcome will hopefully be amazing. I am happy in knowing that I did it mostly the correct way and that I can be happy with the work that I have put into it. And once this project is finally all said and done, the next project can be begin. So stay tuned for the next adventure of the Miller’s home improvement project.