Helmet Parenting

Helmet Day Three & Four. It’s Going Way Better!

The cranial helmet is wearing is going a lot better than it was on the first and second day. If you haven’t read the short updates on the first two days, you can see read those here and here. The first three days of having the helmet were break-in days, so Jameson would get used to having it on, he would nap and play while wearing it, but he hasn’t slept overnight in it yet.

Well, today that will change. Today marks the first day he will wear it all day and all night. So from here on out Jameson will have the helmet on 23 hours a day, that one hour that it won’t be on is for the cleaning of the helmet and giving his head a little bit of a break. Both Bea and I thought it would be a little more of a fight for him to get used to the helmet, but I guess all the other blogs I read that said most babies don’t seem to have an issue, were correct. The only issue we had was those red marks that didn’t go away within the hour we were told. But once the helmet foam was adjusted we haven’t had any more issues.

All and all I would say that the helmet is going pretty well so far, and I don’t think he really even notices it when it’s on. But tonight will be the real test on if he sleeps all night with out any complaints or if he will be up every few hours trying to take it off of his head. Stay tuned tomorrow for how the overnight wearing goes.