
Helmet Day Two. It’s Starting to go Better.

So today, Jameson wore his helmet for six hours. Bea told me he didn’t hate it as much as he did the day prior, and he even took his nap in it. He did have some issues with the helmet rubbing on a few spots on his head. So when your child first gets the helmet, you are told that it will leave marks, but those marks should go away within an hour. And if they don’t go away or start to go away you need to call the office and come in ASAP. These spots are where the helmet is pushing on the head to help everything grow into the right places. But this is supposed to happen over a gradual amount of time, and those spots that are red and don’t go away means that the helmet is just really rubbing and can eventually open up and become a sore. And that no one wants.

Bea, called me while I was at work and told me we needed to get over to Children’s OP so we could get the helmet shaved down before they closed. So I left work and rushed home so we could get this done before the weekend, and before his head is rubbed raw. We made it in time for the appointment and got the helmet shaved down. Now the helmet fits even better than it did before and we think Jameson seems to like it a little better, and it’s a more comfortable fit.

And everyone was in love with Jameson’s helmet design. So I have to give a shout-out to Kimberlee at Desert Domes for doing such an amazing job on it.