Home Improvement Parenting

Home Improvements and a New Baby

We were in our new house barely a month before finding out some of the plans for the house were now going to change. By the time we found out I had already replaced all of the can lights with retrofit LED ones and we started to paint the main living area/kitchen ceilings. When we moved into the house all of the walls were tan making the ceiling look dirty. So we started there first, having to put down several coats of paint. And let me tell you, when the walls are tan and the lighting is poor it was almost impossible to see where we had painted and where we didn’t. Once we thought we were done with the ceiling it was onto the accent wall, and then the new clean (and not tan) white walls. And those took way longer to paint then I would have preferred, but when you are expecting your priorities do change.

Here is the before and after with the fresh white ceiling and the new lights.

Now over the next several months Bea and I started clearing out the would have been office and we start to acquire and plan out what our son’s room was going to look like. Pinterest was now the go to site for all things baby room, as well as the occational google search for more ideas and inspiration. Then it hit us…we watch all of the Harry Potter movies at least twice or three times a year, and it’s magical and colorful, it would be perfect! Now Bea was looking for exactly what we should do and what colors we would paint everything.

Since we found out Bea was pregnant she started looking at all of the local Air Force FaceBook marketplace ads, looking for cheap/free furniture we could clean up and make our own. And every time she found something she would text me a picture of it and tell me where and when I was going to be picking it up. We ended up finding a like new crib for $10 and the changing table we got for $5 from a friend a years prior when we were in Germany. While still searching for the right Harry Potter theme on instagram, Bea finally found it. We were going to be painting a silhouette of Hogwarts on the wall that the crib would be on. And as I’m looking at a picture of this perfectly painted castle, I’m just thinking to myself, how the hell am I going to do this?