Helmet Parenting

Jameson had Another Helmet Appointment, and Things are Going Great

This Tuesday Jameson had his very first official helmet appointment, and it went fantastically. Why this was something like his fourth appointment at Children’s OP, it was the first one after wearing his helmet for the first three weeks of his treatment. The appointment its self was only about 10 minutes long, but he is progressing so much in the short amount of time he has worn it, it was amazing. Jameson started at having a 10 mm shift to the left with his head shape. When Alicia, the technician measured his head, he had a shift of 4 mm already. Alicia was so surprised and amazed that the shift was happing so quickly. So the four to six months we were thinking he would need the helmet, is not sounding like it was going to end up being only three months until he reaches the goal of having a 0 mm shift.

We were amazed at the progress he has been making in just a short amount of time. I honestly thought it was going to take up to six months for the progress to happen. I mean, the helmet is literally changing the shape of his head. But I guess when I think about the effort it would take to change the shape of a head I think about an adult head. Meaning one that is fully grown and hardened, not like a five-month olds head, which is still soft. And that softness translates into the ability to still easily form it back to a near-perfect shape. And that translates into his ear canals and brain being in their correct spots so he will not end up having equilibrium issues or chronic migraines the rest of his life.

As far as the day-to-day wearing of the helmet I don’t even think Jameson even notices it anymore. It is just apart of his daily routine now. And the way he loves to throw himself backward sometimes, I think he sometimes likes the helmet, since it allows him to be a little rougher. And that roughness also translates into head-butting mom and dad while we are holding him, then him laughing about it afterward. His little personality is starting to show more and more every day, and I’m pretty sure he is going to be a little daredevil and he is going to be a complete goofball.

So if you haven’t been following the helmet journey from day one to now. Things are going great, and his progress so far is farther than any of us ever could have imagined.