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Our Future is in the Hands of the Medical Evaluation Board

Our Future is in the Hands of the Medical Evaluation Board

If you didn’t see my post from March 27, Looks Like I May be a Civilian Soon Than We Imagined, you may want to check it out. This post will be an update on what’s going on. Last week on June 11th I had an appointment with my PCM and we sat down to create the package for my official Medical Evaluation Board (MEB). This package is for a board of doctors that will sit down and review what my medical conditions are and decide why they would stop me from doing the job I am supposed to do while I am in the military. There are a lot of other steps and people involved, but that is the cliff notes version of the process.

This process is extremely stressful. There is no real timeline or website you can go onto to follow the progress of where all the paperwork and decisions are sitting. I will eventually get what’s called a PEBLO (Physical Evaluation Board Liaison Officer) who will help guide me through the entire process, help me set up my VA appointments, and answers any questions I may have. I am still waiting to hear from my PEBLO. So fingers crossed I will hear from them soon and can get this ball rolling.

Since this process has the potential of separating me earlier than we were expecting, I just wish there was a better timeline or more communication about the whole process. We are already planning for me to separate next year, but not until July 2022. So this is our current timeline for preparing the house for sale, finding a new house, and all those things that come with not only a PCS but our final PCS. I joined a FaceBook group for people that are going through this process in all of the branches of the military, and all of the timelines that are posted are just so spread out. Lots of people have been in the process for over a year, and then there are people that from start to finish were done in six months. I understand that everyone has different situations and a lot of people fight the process and want to stay in. But still, I feel like something can be done to standardize the whole process better. 

Stay tuned for updates on the whole process.