Helmet Parenting

The Helmet Journey Continues with Signs of Improvement Already.

The helmet journey continues with the last few days of the break-in progress and chasing more red spots on his head. So after the first night of wearing the helmet, Jameson woke up with a red mark and welt on his forehead. Unfortunately, it was Sunday morning so we couldn’t call Children’s OP to have it adjusted properly. So we decided the best thing would be to leave it off for the day and hope that the swelling would go down and the mark would start to go away.

The following day, Monday, we already had an appointment on the books with Children’s OP so Alicia could see how the break-in progress was going, and how Jameson was adjusting to it. She was happy to hear that he was wearing it at night already, but not happy with the marks still showing up. So she marked up the helmet and made the new adjustments, and the helmet was once again ready for Jameson to wear. Alicia told us to watch the marks and hopefully fingers crossed, we were done chasing them and now Jameson could wear the helmet for the 23 hours a day like he’s supposed to.

But there was some good news that came out of the appointment. Jameson was already showing a 2mm shift in his head shape. Alicia was very impressed with this happening in the short amount of time that Jameson was wearing the helmet. Which will hopefully indicate that by the end of this process Jameson will have a 100% or very close to that of adjustment.

It’s only the beginning of the journey, but I know I feel better about this process already. In the beginning, there were so many questions and thoughts of is he going to hate it. But all the different blogs and people I talked to were right, and he doesn’t seem to be bothered by the helmet or the process at all. And so far the hardest part of the helmet is getting it back on his head, he’s very a smart kid, and he knows the exact moment to move his head.