
Today Was a Rough Day for the Family

This morning at 7 am our three month old son went into the hospital to get a circumcision. I knew my wife was having a hard time with it ever since we decided to have it done. But I thought I was gonna fine with it. I thought it would just be another day, only my son would have a quick out patient surgery and a few days later it would be all healed up. But coronavirus made it a little more difficult as they were only letting one parent in with him. Well as most guys, my wife doesn’t think I ask enough or even the right questions. So I suggested that my wife go in with him, that way she can ask the proper questions and take in everything that the doctor and nurses said. I knew it would be hard, but we decided it would be the best option and I would wait in the car in the parking lot.

And that is what we did, my wife went in with him and I stayed in the car. But once we go to the hospital that all changed, the second he was out of the car I was just holding it together from there on out. My wife and son went into the out patient center and I found a nice spot in the parking lot and waited. To pass the time I watched The Mandolarian, and old episodes of Bones on Hulu. In between I called my parents and talked to them to help me call down. Then I got the call that they were taking him back and that he should be done in about an hour. What I wasn’t expecting is that they were going to be placing two IVs and he was going to get a baby epidural. My heart sank at that news, and my anxiety was going up more. After another episode of Bones, I got a FaceTime call from my wife saying the surgery went great and she was going to be with him until he woke up and then she would feed him and he would be released. After that call I cried. In the call I could see my son hooked up to those IVs and he had an oxygen mask to help him breath since he was still under. Seeing my baby boy like that was heart breaking, and he was just there for a fairly simple procedure. After seeing that I thought I hope I never have to see hime like that again. My heart broke more thinking about all the parents that have to go through that with their children on a day to day basis. Those that aren’t just there for a simple procedure, but those with chronic sicknesses like cancer and respiratory problems. With Coronavirus it could only make it that much harder, how can you limit a parent from being with their child when they need them the most? It just seems cruel.

Four hours later my wife calls again, with good news, we could all finally go home. I pulled out of my parking spot and met them at the entrance. Our son was still coming out of the anesthesia, but holding him and putting him into his car seat kinda freaking me out. What if I caused him pain or discomfort? On the way home my wife told me it would be two weeks for the wound to heal and that he can’t really sit up and we can’t hold him by the crotch for that time. My son loves to look and everything and take it all in. So holding him out facing is sometimes the only way to calm him down. And changing him is so delicate for now, working around his bandage and seeing what it looks like, a small part of me wasn’t sure if having him circumcised was the best idea. But I know the health benefits out weigh the short and what I imagine is a painful recovery.

On a side note, if you’re willing to help out a child or family in what is the hardest time in their lives please donate.