Home Improvement Parenting

Where are we Going to Keep all of this Much Needed Breast Milk?

So if your wife or baby’s mom is lucky enough to be able to breastfeed, then you will be able to relate to this post. Before Jameson was even born, Bea had a plan to store as much breast milk as possible, so by the time he was one or teething, we would have enough supply so she no longer has to breastfeed him. (Fun fact, you need at least a thousand ounces of breast milk a month.) And I think so far she is doing a pretty good job, such a good job that we actually had to buy a deep freezer to store it all in.

If you haven’t been keeping up with my blogs, then let me catch you up real quick. On New Year’s eve, our water heater decided it wasn’t long for this world anymore. So I took that as a sign that not only do I need to replace the water heater, but it was also time to finish our two-car garage. Now, back to the breast milk storage issue. With our main freezer full, like so full of milk we couldn’t buy any frozen foods anymore, and the freezer in the garage just as full. We knew we had to do something. That’s when we got the idea of looking into deep freezers.

If you’ve never shopped for a deep freezer before, let me tell you about some of them. There are two types, there is the standup freezer which has a ton of space, but all that space comes at a premium price. Then there is the normal type of deep freezer that everyone thinks of, the kind that is short and really deep. Since the traditional deep freezer is way cheaper, or at least can be, that is the way we went. This meant that we could finally get rid of the old fridge that was in the garage when we bought the house, and we could finally start buying frozen foods again.

With the garage project in mind, just the thought of the shorter freezer and being able to get rid of the old refrigerator was a dream come true. This meant that there was now going to be more room for storage since this house has a storage shortage.

So after a couple of days of searching at The Home Depot, Lowe’s Home Improvement, Best Buy, and Amazon. We found the best deal at Best Buy, so for the low price of $169 delivered we bought ourselves a nice energy star Insignia 7 cubic foot deep freezer in a nice clean white. But with the garage project starting, it ended up sitting in its box, in the middle of the garage covered up.

All that has changed now. The garage is now 3/4 of the way done, with just the ceiling and some new lighting left to do, I plugged the new deep freezer in and we got to clearing out all of the frozen milk from the kitchen. There is still a lot more work to do, but it’s starting to come together. And as an added bonus today I was able to park Bea’s SUV back in the garage.

Stay tuned for the finished project in hopefully the next few weeks.