
Why are there not Changing Tables In all Public Restrooms?

The other day while Jameson and I were waiting for Bea to get an MRI of her elbow (you can see why she needed that here) Jameson needed a diaper change and I needed to use the restroom so I took him inside to use the restroom. But when I got into the bathroom there was no baby changing table at all, and it was a “family” public restroom. So, I had to set Jameson down where I could see him and use the bathroom. Then I had to find a clean corner of the room and change his diaper on the floor of that public bathroom. And that got me thinking, this is not the first public bathroom I have been in that didn’t have a changing table. Why is it that men’s restrooms don’t all have a diaper changing table? Are most dad’s not changing their babies when out in public? Or are planners going off of the old stereotype that only women take care of babies?

Doing some research, it ends up that there is actually no national law requiring changing tables in public restrooms. There is a regulation that every federal building will have changing tables in all men’s and women’s restrooms. In 2017, California passed Assembly Bill 1127, requiring all newly constructed buildings to have changing tables in both the men’s and women’s restrooms. The person responsible for this bill was majority leader Ian Caldron. He said “Our policies are evolving to meet the needs of families and California is leading the way,” Calderon said. “I thank Governor Brown for signing AB 1127. Both moms and dads will now have a safe, sanitary place to change their baby.” (Saunders, 2017). This bill will also mandate that if a business has a renovation cost of $10,000 or more, that they must install a changing table. I really hope more states will adopt this policy.

Currently, 10 states have some sort of laws requiring changing tables in public restrooms. Either it is for newly constructed buildings or buildings that are renovating their restrooms. And 11 cities have passed their own laws requiring public changing tables in all restrooms. You can check out this map on that shows all of the cities and states that have passed legislation on changing tables, some of these laws are specifically for men’s restrooms.

I also found this site that suggests every dad should post on social media and tag their local news outlets and representatives so more exposure will be made on this issue. Roles have changed over the years and dads are a lot more involved in raising their children. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) supports the need for legislation on this topic. This site also offers some suggestions if you do find yourself in a situation without a changing table. The two suggestions I would like to point out on the list are the car or using a reclined stroller as an alternative.

So if you are a dad, make your voice heard. We take care of our children as well. If you believe that changing tables are needed in our public restrooms as well, reach out to your local state representative and let them know.


Saunders, M. (2017, October 14). California law will require diaper changing stations in Men’s, women’s bathrooms. Retrieved March 20, 2021, from