Hello Internet! My name is Brice Miller. Welcome to my little slice of internet.

If you have somehow stumbled upon my blog, welcome. I’m not really sure what I’m doing or what this blog will be about so bare with me over the next few months as the format and real path of this page is born. For now I hope you enjoy the content and if you have a suggestion please drop a comment.

I started this blog on the advice of the internet as a way to maybe, someday, make a little extra money. But I think people have to actually read the blog for that to happen. For now though, I guess we should start with how I came up with the over thinking dad. As most new fathers, I am constantly thinking how can I give this little human the life that I never had and give them everything I always wanted. But when you are active duty military and a single income family that dream can be hard to come by.

So I joined the military late in life, at the age of 24, I was single and already in a good amount of debt. So of course with the stable income I was smart with my money and spent it on a bunch of crap I don’t even have anymore. Fast forward a few years, while living in Germany I met the love of my life and a few years later got married. Now living overseas, I had to explore the world with my new family, saving money was not at the top of my list. Now fast forward to the end of 2019, we got new orders and we were moving to America. So we sold a lot of our belongings. I had to sell my dream car, a 2004.5 VW GLI that I had but a lot of time and effort into. And we moved across the world to our new home in Las Vegas, NV.

Hope I haven’t lost anyone yet. I know this is getting long.

I called this blog the over thinking dad, because I overthink almost everything I do. Even creating this blog, I didn’t really sleep well the night before because I just kept thinking what would this blog be about if I actually wrote it. And now that I went through with it, I’m still sitting here typing this out and thinking, is this really what I want to do? This type of overthinking has been going on since before I can even remember. Before I joined the military I worked at a clothing store at the mall. I used to wake up in the middle of the night with the worst migraine, from overthinking how can I make this store better and make the owners more money? Let me repeat that, how can I make the owners more money? I would make myself sick so I could make other people more money.

Now it’s time for me to overthink my own life and how to make my family money so they can have the life that I never had.