Helmet Parenting Physical Therapy

Jameson’s No Longer has to Wear His Helmet.

The day has finally come. After several months of changes and adjustments to his helmet, he has officially graduated and no longer needs to wear it. And it’s just in time for the extremely hot summers here in Las Vegas, NV.

Over the this last month, he was trying so hard to take it off and yes there were times that we let him have a day or two of not wearing it. He was starting to out grow it, so it was getting a bit tight around his ears and on his forehead. But those few months of wearing it have paid off. When he first went in and was measured he was measuring at a 9.8mm shift. And now he measures at a .3, an almost perfectly shaped head.

It was a rough road at the beginning, and got easier after a few days of wear, making sure to follow the adjustment schedule we were given. He ended up getting so used to having that protection that he used to throw himself backwards, or he would bang his head on his crib or wall. Well now he’s learning that he no longer has that protection and it gets a little concerning sometimes I have to admit.