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The Medical Evaluation Board is Nearing Completion

The Medical Evaluation Board is Nearing Completion

Where the last update ended I was waiting for all of my VA appointments to happen so I could get my DoD and VA ratings. These ratings, if you don’t remember from my previous posts, will determine if I am to be medically separated or medically retired. If you have been following along I was waiting for my VA health exams. In October I had my appointments and I have to say they went a lot better than I thought they were going to go. Once these exams were over the completion of the medical evaluation board was drawing closer.

My first appointment was for a hearing test. I thought it was going to be the same as the military exam. And if you were a prior military member you know the struggle of those tests, the holding your breath so you can hear the beeps, the unknowing if the beep you are hearing is in your booth or the one next to you, and of course hearing every other sound in the room. But, much to my surprise this was a different type of test, of course, it had the typical tone test. But it also had a word repeating section to test for different tones you may not be able to hear anymore. This exam lasted about 15mins.

The next exam was the general health and wellness along with a blood draw. This exam lasted a lot longer, but it also went way better than I thought it would. The examiner explained to me that while they do the exam and they do their best to get the most for veterans. Ultimately it was going to be up to the VA though. This exam consisted of a full head-to-toe exam of every one of my military-linked aches and pain. But the focus was on my back and my knees. About an hour later after the doctor performed the exam and we talked about what aggravates the pain and what helps to alleviate it, the exam was over. The last exam was the blood draw for my anemia and off I went. 

Now it was time to play the waiting game while the doctor wrote up my exam notes and sent them back to QTC for their review.