cute shopping business kids

Why So Many Diapers

Why Are There so Many Different Diapers to Choose From?

Dads, have you ever found yourself standing in the diaper section at the store and just feeling completely overwhelmed with all of the choices that available? And not only in the store, but even the confusion of deciding if you are going to go with disposable diapers or cloth diapers? And if you do go cloth diapers, do you go with the traditional Gerber ones, or do you go with the new age ones that have a snap diaper form that has cloth inserts that go into it? The choices are to many, but that makes sense considering in 2019 the world market industry was estimated to be worth around $52.6 billion, and yes you read that correctly, that’s billion with a B.

When we learned that Bea was pregnant, she did the logical thing and went straight to the internet to get to researching. She compared the cost of disposable to cloth ones and the savings was kinda a no brainer. Sure the initial invest was pretty hefty, but in the long run it would “pay for it’s self” or so we thought. Bea followed a couple of different diaper “experts” on instagram, and even tried to win a few cloth diaper packs. We didn’t win any, so we went to Amazon and bought what we could. And I do mean what we could. Jameson was born right when the pandemic was getting crazy. Everyone was not only buying the stores out of paper towels and toilet paper, but they were also buying out all of the diapers in all of the stores. So when there was no disposable diapers left, people started buying all of the cloth diapers online as well as all of the inserts. Whenever Bea was on Amazon and some would come into stock we would buy a few packs with inserts so we could start stocking up for his arrival. 

We stocked up with what we thought would be enough cloth diapers, we watched a bunch of YouTube videos on how to stuff the diapers with the inserts, and we even went as far as also buying cloth baby wipes so we could save on buying wipes. We were ready for his arrival and we never had to worry about buying cloth diapers. All we would have to do wash wash the cloth diapers and inserts and just get new inserts whenever needed. Then Jameson was born and we used the disposable ones from the hospital for awhile and quickly learned that those cloth diapers don’t fit new born babies, which meant we had to go buy disposable diapers anyways. Then we learned that the fancy cloth diapers we had got, Jameson needed to be a certain weight before they would fit properly and that weight was 10 or 11 lbs and he was born weighing 7 lbs. 

Now, what does all of that have to do with choosing the right diaper? Well, Jameson is now in a size three diaper and we have tried a handful of different diaper companies. A lot of people like the Target brand Up and Up, but they could not contain all of Jameson’s pee and poop. We tried Seventh Generation, an all natural diaper, but that gave Jameson a rash. We tried Huggies, but they just don’t fit him right. And we really wanted to try to Costco Brand diapers but they are always sold out in whatever Jameson’s size happens to be. So what company do we use? Pampers, is our number one choice when it comes to the diapers. We had very little blow outs with them, and they fit and stretch perfectly. But, over the last few weeks when Jameson gets up in the morning, he is wet from his diaper being so full. I know they make nighttime diapers for older kids, but did they make them in small sizes? That’s what we went to find out on out next Target run. 

So there we stand in the diaper aisle at our local Target and they do indeed sell overnight diapers in a size three. But then next to the overnight diapers, they also have regular diapers that are also labeled great for overnight as well. So there I stand looking at these two boxes trying to decide if there is a difference between the nighttime diapers and the regular diapers that are nighttime ready. They were the same price for the same amount of diapers, so is there really a difference? As it turns out there is. The overnight diapers have a better absorbent material vs the regular diapers. As far as the rest of the other kinds of diapers that are out there, look at for future posts on those. And you’ll be happy to hear that Jameson now wakes up just as dry as the desert we live in. So if you’re thinking of getting some nighttime diapers for your little one, I highly recommend them. 

And if anyone at Pampers happens to be reading this, I’m looking for sponsors.


