
I Realized That I Have Been Slacking, and I Promise I will do Better

After talking with my wife, Bea, it has become clear that I have not been posting anything to this blog that is of substance or helpful to the other dads, DIYers, and parents. When I created this blog, I wanted it to be something meaningful. Not just to myself but to others as well. Looking back at this last year’s posts, they have been more stories than tips or thoughts on what I have found helpful as a father and husband.

I wish I had an excuse other than life outside of the military has not been what I expected it to be. House hunting, three different jobs, a new baby, and losing my father and grandfather all in the same year have just been too much.

But I want to promise you that I will do better and get back to what Overthinking Dad is all about. I will be going back and rewriting my last few posts, adding helpful hints and things I wish we did instead.
Thank you, guys from the bottom of my heart for supporting me and this little blog.

The Overthinking Dad